Mike Chirieleison
Mike Chirieleison is a producer, videographer, and editor with more than a decade of experience working in photography and video production. A graduate of Towson University’s Electronic Media and Film program, he first began working for Rock Creek Productions in the Spring of 2012 before coming aboard full time in 2016. With experiences ranging from recording audio for America’s Most Wanted, working postseason baseball for Fox Sports, or producing a student film on a refugee family from Bhutan resettling in Baltimore, Mike is always looking for interesting subjects to capture on camera.
When not working, Mike enjoys wildlife photography, hiking, playing guitar, caring for his fast-growing collection of bonsai, and relaxing on the couch with his wife Anne Marie, cat Fiona, and Swiss Shepherd mix Samwise.
favorite drinkable: hazy ipas
favorite viewable: godfather: part ii
favorite doable: hiking